

Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West

Deanne Stillman

After over a decade of researching their stories and history, award winning author Deanne Stillman shares with us "Mustang - The Saga Of The Wild Horse In The Amerian West".

Managing For Extinction
Animal Welfare Institute

One of the most comprehensive and indepth works around that is still easy enough beginners, Managing For Extinction covers the wide spectrum of issues that has affected the continuing decline of America's wild horses, burros and their habitat, the mismanagement of BLM and provides a staggering array of statistics. Complete with beautiful photos and illustrations of America's wild horses and burros, a species now in significant decline throughout the West.

An absolutely indespensible tool for those who want to know more!

Animal Welfare Institute price for non-members is $3.00.
Click Here
to order.

Among Wild Horses!
A Portrait of the Pryor Mountain Mustangs
Lynne Pomeranz

An up-close photographic look at a majestic herd of wild horses.

Photographer Lynne Pomeranz spent three years tracking and witnessing one of the last remaining herds of wild horses in the United States, which roams along the Pryor Mountain range between Wyoming and Montana. Both tender and dramatic, the photos of Among Wild Horses reveal horses living a life that is rugged in nature, rich in history, and nothing short of breathtaking to observe.

The Pryor Mountain Mustangs will claim a special place in the hearts of horse lovers of all ages.

Click Here to Order

The American Mustang Guidebook
Lisa Dines

History, Behavior, and State-By-State Directions on
Where to Best View America's Wild Horses.

Click Here to Order

America's Last Wild Horses
Hope Ryden

The Animal Welfare Institute is pleased to offer the most recent edition of Hope Ryden's landmark book, America's Last Wild Horses. Since it was first published over 30 years ago, it has provided some of the most revealing photos and descriptions of the Bureau of Land Management's round-ups and cruel treatment of wild horses. This edition includes a new introduction by Ryden, detailing the current efforts to undermine the future of these beloved horses. Used by Congress in the passage of the original 1971 Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act, the information provided in this book is sadly needed just as much today - a truly timeless classic.

Click Here
to order your copy now.

Our Unprotected Heritage:
Whitewashing The Destruction of Our Cultural & Natural Environment
Dr. Thomas King

An indepth and timely look at how the current bureacratic system circumvents both intent and laws set in motion to preserve America's natural, cultural and historic values.

Click Here to Order

Western Turf Wars
The Politics of Public Lands Ranching
Mike Hudak

Traveling throughout the West, author Mike Hudak speaks with former employees of wildlife and land-management agencies and citizens who have long advocated for better management of our public lands. Western Turf Wars is a compilation of these accounts - testimonies that reveal how and why the management agencies have failed to protect our public lands. A must read for all who are interested in what is really going on behind the scenes with our public resources. Click Here to order your copy today.

The Phantom Stallion (Series)
Terri Farley

Author Terri Farley has a fabulous line of wild horse books for children of all ages with a series of books called The Phantom Stallion, which highlights the various adventures of Sam with wild horses and a magnificent wild stallion named Phantom. Excellent gifts that help share the world of wild horses, they are perfect for any occassion.
Young readers can also explore The Phantom Stallion website that has dozens of interesting facts, photos and Terri's blog that is updated on a regular basis and includes wild horse news.
Click Here to start your Phantom Stallion adventures today!

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